Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Different Types of Energy

Energy is something that's all around us, in everything. The reason it has the ability to be in anything is because there are so many forms of it. Firstly, the two main forms are potential energy and kinetic energy.

This has a lot of potential energy
Kinetic Energy is the energy of a moving object. It considers the mass and velocity of the object when calculating the energy.

Potential Energy is the energy that the object has the potential of producing. There are many forms of this, the most simple being gravitational potential energy. That is when the object is not on the ground; it has the potential to accelerate towards the ground by gravity.

There are many more types of energy that root from potential and kinetic, they include: mechanical energy, heat energy, chemical energy, elastic energy, sound energy, and nuclear energy.

Mechanical energy is the combination of potential and kinetic energy. It is the energy associated with the motion or position of an object.

Heat energy is pretty much in everything. Unless the molecules of the particular item isn't moving at all, there will always be heat energy; although some things seem really cold, their molecules are still moving, although they are moving very slowly. It can be either potential or kinetic energy
This has potential energy too (elastic)

Chemical energy is produced when a chemical reaction occurs; it is a form of potential energy, because it involves energy that an object has the potential of producing.

Elastic energy is another form of potential energy produced when something is stretched out. It has the ability to return to its original shape, causing energy.

Sound energy is a form of kinetic energy. It is caused by movement, mostly a vibration that travels through a specific medium. The pressure is what usually causes the sound.

Nuclear energy is a form of potential energy since its the energy stored in specific atoms. Two types exist: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is when the atoms and molecules release energy when they split while nuclear fusion is when atoms produce energy when they are joined together. Nuclear fusion normally occurs at very high temperatures

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